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Consultant checking a patient's scalp

Find a solution for your hair loss

Understand your hair with our support

At Empress Hair Clinic we can conduct a personalised hair analysis, allowing us to offer the ideal treatment for your own needs. Speak to our team in Hammersmith, London to book.

consultant checking a patient's hair

Find out if hair restoration is right for you

Are you suitable for a restorative hair treatment?

Empress Hair Clinic is committed to helping people feel more confident, by providing a range of hair restoration services. We understand the importance of the decision to have treatment, and will help you determine if a hair transplant is the right choice for you.

We conduct thorough assessments and hair analysis to ensure that you are suitable for treatment. Once we have assessed your suitability, we can then advise on the right treatment for your needs.

Who we can help

Who is most suitable?

The ideal candidates for hair transplant surgery at our clinic are typically those experiencing hair loss at Type 3 or higher on the Norwood Scale. Stability in your hair loss pattern is crucial.

Generally, if your hair loss has been consistent for about five years, you may be an excellent candidate for our Choi Pen FUE technique.

Before proceeding, it's important to set realistic expectations and discuss them thoroughly during your consultation with our experts.

What can affect suitability?

• Hair characteristics: characteristics like hair colour, texture, and type significantly influence the outcome of a hair transplant.
• Hair and scalp colour contrast: lower contrast between hair and scalp colour often leads to more discreet hair restoration. High contrast can make balding more noticeable, but with FUE technique, we can still achieve natural-looking results.

• Hair density: A good density of hair follicles, especially in the donor areas (sides and back of the scalp), is essential for a successful transplant. The FUE method allows for precise grafting from these areas.
• Hair texture: curly or wavy hair can often yield more visually satisfying results with fewer grafts. This is particularly relevant for Afro-Caribbean hair, which, despite having lower follicular unit density, offers excellent coverage due to its texture.
• Hair thickness: thicker hair strands can provide a better cosmetic effect as they more effectively block light from reflecting off the scalp.
• Scalp Flexibility: the technique we use is less dependent on scalp laxity compared to traditional methods, but it’s still a consideration in the overall evaluation.

scalp condition consultation

Online hairline simulation

Hairline simulator

See what you hairline could look like today

surgeon consulting male patient with mirror

Speak to our dedicated team of experts

Book a personalised consultation

Every individual is unique and these factors must be considered collectively to assess your suitability for a hair transplant. You might have favourable hair density, but other factors like hair texture or scalp flexibility could influence the outcome.

The best way to determine your candidacy for a hair transplant at Empress Hair Clinic is through a personalised consultation with our expert team. Led by Dr. Feyroza Mustaeva, our clinic offers a comprehensive assessment that takes into account all aspects of your hair and scalp health, ensuring that you receive the best advice and treatment options tailored to your needs.

Request a free consultation

Visit our clinic in Hammersmith, London, or call us on 020 3633 4858

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