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Hair transplant surgery in progress

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At Empress Hair Clinic we specialise in FUE method with discrete implantation. Learn more about this method, and speak to our team in Hammersmith to learn more.

Hair transplant surgery operation

The latest in hair loss treatment

About the FUE method


Implanter pens are used for implantation of follicles in FUE treatments. This method improves performance, graft survival and overall results.

Shaving is unnecessary, making it ideal for long hair, women's hair and Afro hair. There is also no need for a hair band, meaning it is less restrictive to daily activities and less aesthetically revealing.

The whole procedure is minimally invasive and done under local anaesthetic, so you will be comfortable, experience minimal discomfort and remain awake. Depending on the scale of hair loss, you may need to undergo a 1 or 2-day surgery. Each day procedure is processed over 5-6 hours. There is no overnight stay and you will go home on the same day with an aftercare package.

The process

Stage 1 - extraction

Follicles are being taken one by one from the back of your head. This is done in a sparse, random order to ensure no bald patches or linear scars are left behind. The equipment we use is a robotic micro-punch that targets multiple strand follicles, minimising graft damage.

During the extraction the harvested follicles are placed immediately into a special solution and kept cold (around - 2-8°C). This protects the grafts and gives an improved survival rate of 90-98%.

Stage 2 - implantation

Once the desired number of grafts have been harvested they are categorised into small groups of follicular units and are prepared for implantation.

The donated follicles will be carefully loaded one by one into the implanter pen allowing immediate implantation into the scalp. This stage is also done under local anaesthetic by skilled surgeon with years of experience.

Stage 3 - aftercare

To help insure maximum survival of the graft and your total satisfaction, we ensure to give every patient a thorough aftercare service. This will include check-up appointments and aftercare products.

Hair transplant surgery

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Contact us for a free consultation

Want to know more about out hair transplant techniques? Call our clinic in Hammersmith on 
020 3633 4858

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