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Elige tu plan de precios

  • PRP 3+1

    Pay your first x3 PRP treatments and get 1 session free
    Válido por 3 meses
    • PRP
  • 4 of 6-weekly session recommended

    Get minimum 4 sesions at 6-eeek interval with our clinical grade microneedling treatment with special device and serums. (Not for home use!)
    Válido por 6 meses
    • Scalp microneedling
    • Online hair loss consultation
    • Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
  • 5 of 4-weekly sessions

    pay 4 get 1 free
    Válido por 6 meses
    • Scalp mesotherapy
  • Hair Transplant

    Cada semana
    Valido para 4 semanas
    • Hair Transplant
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