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Answering your hair loss questions

What causes hair loss? Find out today

If you have questions about hair loss, feel free to speak to the team here at Empress Hair Clinic. Find us in Hammersmith, London and book your free initial consultation.

Man looking at himself in the mirror

Learn about the causes of hair loss

Understanding the anatomy of hair

Hair loss is something that can affect up to 80% of men and 50% of women to varying degrees. More commonly known by names such as male pattern baldness or a receding hairline, Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) can affect both genders.

In hair follicles affected, dihydrotestosterone binds to the androgen receptor which transforms larger terminal follicles into miniaturised version, leading to thinning of the hair, patchy coverage and receding hairlines.


The scale and speed of hair loss will vary from person to person, which is why booking a consultation Empress Hair Clinic is a must. Based in Hammersmith, our specialists will help you understand what the leading cause behind your hair loss is, and will advise on the ideal course or treatment.

Are you asking "What causes hair loss?"

Leading causes of hair loss include:

• Hereditary genes and conditions

• Stress

• Hormonal imbalances

• Traction Alopecia (hair pulling)

• Alopecia Areata

• Certain medications

• Increased levels of DHT in women

• Telogen Effluvium

This is not an extensive list; if you are concerned that something else is triggering your hair loss, our team is here to help.

Your hair type can also have an impact

Your hair type and the condition of your hair may also influence the rate of loss. For example those with damaged hair, curly hair may experience greater loss, whilst those from Afro-Caribbean ancestry may have a lower risk.

balding man

Online hairline simulation

Hairline simulator

See what you hairline could look like today

woman checking her hairline

Temporary hair loss

Telogen effluvium (TE)

TE is an abnormal shedding condition which usually exceed a loss of 30-150 hairs per day. This is often a temporary condition triggered by a range of things such as childbirth, medication or trauma.

We will not recommend treatment if you have TE, and will advise that we wait until the condition has stabilised before proceeding with any treatment.

man with hair loss
Excellent care with aesthetic vision!

I have always had thick hair. But after childbirth, I have lost my hair on my middle and sides. For few years I have tried many remedies that helped but worked temporarily. I spent a lot of money on hair products etc., but my hair would fall again after I stop. I found Empress Hair Clinic and had a consultation with Dr Feyroza. She analysed my scalp and made a plan for my hair rescue. I decided to go for hair transplant because the idea of having it done under local anaesthetic. And I don’t regret having it done, my donor has healed and I can’t see any scars because Dr Feyroza’s neat skills and experience. My transferred hair has grown and because of long hair it was not noticeable. The implanted hair is growing really quickly and I am very happy with the result. The sides and the middle is fully grown and looks very natural and thick. I would definitely recommend this doctor to any one with hair loss problems, without hesitation she is the best and very competent in what she does!

Book a free consultation

To discuss the possible cause – and solution to – your own hair loss call 
020 3633 4858

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